The Loch Sport Community House provides a number of services to the community during the office hours of 9.30am to 3pm Monday to Friday. Scroll down for further information. You can also call the office on 5146 0145
Community Bus
The Community House bus is used for transport to activities organised by the House such as swimming, movie afternoons and theatre outings
The bus can also be hired for local trips, subject to conditions. See ‘Bus’ tab on homepage or contact the House 5146 0145 for further information
A space at the rear of the hall where a number of activities are held. This space is also available to hire, please see ‘Hall /Room Hire’ tab on homepage, or call the House 5146 0145 for further information
Public Hall
Available for hire: Hall, Meeting Room, Kitchen. Please see ‘Hall/Room Hire’ tab on homepage, or call the House 5146 0145 for further information
Justice of the Peace
Loch Sport has a Justice of the Peace, Barry Meyer. Please call Barry directly to arrange an appointment
0423 304 603
Photocopying -
A4 sheet Black - 20cents/page, Colour: 40cents/page
A3 sheet Black - 40cents/page, Colour 80cents/page
Internet - $2/hour
Emails send & receive - $1/email
Resumes/CVs - $5
Phone the House 5146 0145 for assistance with referral information for local and statewide organisations.